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  • Writer's picturedaishonato

Bartending 101- The Cosmopolitan, or It’s Not Really Carrie Bradshaw’s Fault

Updated: Sep 23, 2020

The Cosmo gets a bad rap. Brought to a mass market by it’s presence in Sex and the City, every bar in the world started making pale imitations of this drink just to cash in on the name and associated fame. It unfortunately gets lumped in among those ‘dark ages’ drinks of mass produced fruity, cheap cocktails that exploded in the mid nineties, but done right this is a spectacular drink- light, fruity, refreshing with a slight sharpness that hints at a stronger drink hiding inside this deceptive little number. NB: PINK, NOT RED

-A Cosmo really shouldn’t look just like a glass of cranberry juice (unless you’re doing something funky with clear citrics, but that’s for another day). Ideally, you’re looking for a clean, light pale pink colour (as above), or you might as well just order a Vodka and Cranberry. Tastewise, you‘re looking for a sweet, clean drink with a slightly medicinal orange hit in the aftertaste that’s very moreish. You’ll know it when you try it, trust me.


50ml quality vodka (Ketel, Absolut)

15ml orange liqueur (cointreau or grand marnier, but triple sec will do)

5ml sugar syrup

25ml lime juice

50ml cranberry juice

3 dashes orange bitters


Hard shake all, fine strain into a chilled martini glass or coupe. Zest an orange twist above the glass to give an extra dimension on the nose of the drink, and float twist ontop of drink. Don’t be sticking lime wedges on the side of the glass as we’re all better than that.

Alternative: Swap out the vodka for dry vernouth (martini, cocchi) and lose the sugar for a low-ABV, low calorie Cosmo. Banging.

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