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  • Writer's picturedaishonato


Seriously, it's an absolute sin. Mojitos have been my go-to drink for years, one of my favourites, both to make and to drink. My method is slightly blasphemous, but it gets results.

A good mojito is about several things - refreshing, strong, and with a good balance of lime and mint - Mintier is always better in my experience, but you've got to meet that with a respectable amount of lime. Now, sugar syrup's the default option, but I'd like to take a moment to talk to you about orgeat. Orgeat is a wonderful almond-based syrup and adds a wonderful depth that's more than just sweetness to a rum cocktail. You can't have a Caipirinha without it, and the difference a splash of this in a daiquiri or (and this is dabbling on the dark side of cocktails, fair warning) a Hemmingway Daiquiri makes things really interesting. More on orgeat later, but it's awesome. Get a bottle off any reputable drinks supplier, it'll change your cocktail game.


50ml Bacardi Blanco or other good white rum

35ml lime juice (I KNOW.)

5ml orgeat (sugar syrup will do absolutely lovely mind, but try it)

10-12 mint leaves. Maybe even 12-15. Fresh


Glass-wise, you can either go for a Double Old Fashioned or Highball, it's really your choice. For a bigger, longer looking drink maybe the highball. the only difference is how much crushed ice you put in. In your glass, 1/3 fill it with crushed ice (if you've got a crushed ice machine, awesome, but if you're stuck a wine cooler, a rolling pin and block ice and a bit of beating the life out of it will do the job just lovely), then add your lime juice, orgeat and rum. Give it all a good muddle, then add another 1/3 of crushed ice. Take your mint between your palms, and CLAP as hard as you can. A good, hard smack just breaks the stems and really opens up the scent of the mint, which makes such a difference to how clean and fresh the drink smells. fill the glass with crushed ice, then give the whole mix a really good muddle with your bar spoon. Garnish with a sprig of mint, a few lime pieces and a wee (recyclable) straw. A metal one's a lovely touch.

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