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  • Writer's picturedaishonato

Bartending 101 - Flips - Why Not Just Use the Whole Egg?

Eggs are something of boogeyman in cocktails, which some people are very squeamish of. There are totally valid reasons, and there are vegan alternatives when all you’re wanting to do is foam up your drink - egg white is a cheap, relatively flavourless and easy to use emulsifier, so it’s a natural go-to to give that frothiness to your cocktail. Friendly alternatives are available- Aqua Faba, the water chickpeas are stored in, is a vegan and healthy option, pineapple or pressed apple juice will work but will bring their own flavour, and then there are slightly more fancy options which I’ll touch on another time.

Today though, we need the whole egg. Well, not the shell, but all the good stuff inside, for a bit about Flips. Flips are ancient by cocktail standards, knocking about in some form since 1695, almost 100 years before the word ’cocktail‘ even came on the show. The common form now used dates to the 1860s, established by the king of cocktails Jerry Thomas himself, is based on whole egg, cream, sugar, your spirit and nutmeg to finish. They’re by in large a heavy drink with a custard-like quality, perfect for sitting in with on a cold night with a good book or good company.


50ml spirit of choice - I’d recommend a good gin, but works equally well with rum, whiskey or brandy

5ml sugar syrup

20ml double cream

1 whole egg


Double shake all, then fine strain into a coupe glass, and garnish with grated nutmeg.


Can also be served warm by steaming 20ml cream with 40ml milk, then pouring over the rest of the mix in a heatproof glass and stirring.

For a spicier winter version, use chai infused gin (simply steep several chai tea bags in half a bottle of gin for 2-3 days) and garnish with cinamon.

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